Chi Rho Rho
Beliefs and Opinions

Here's what Chi Rho Rho think...

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Kris's Words of Wisdom

  • It's not smart to put all of  your happines eggs in one basket.
  • C'est La Vie
  • Don't hold your breath.  You'll be waiting a long time.
  • Hindsight is 20/20.


The fish say...

"Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble."-Giggley-Elmo
"I really love all the Girls of Chi Rho Rho."
"Bubble Bubble Bubble!"-Jalepano
"Chi Rho Rho forever!

Kellen's Deep Thoughts

You can relate everything back to a Disney movie. True love, families, murder, talking animals, and every girl's dream, Prince Charming.  No Disney movie has a perfect family just like in real life.

Jessica's Belief of Chi Rho Rho

I believe that Chi Rho Rho is about fairness.  One of our mottos is Cheese on Beans, Sauce on Rice.  Each food item has something to go along with it.  Each food item is equally payed attention to by it's rightful topping.  Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.  Fairness is important to us at Chi Rho Rho.

Sarah's Pearl of Wisdom

"Chi Rho Rho is all about the team. All of the sisters at any moment are prepared to take one for the team.We all know that without us there is no team but without the team there is no us."

Jezz's Window to the World

"Standing outside the fire
Life is not tried, it is mearly survived
If you're standing outside the fire."-Garth Brooks
"Fire is hot.  Use the mattress.  It is the only way to save yourself from standing inside the fire. Please listen to Garth.   He is the man. Thank you."

Please take our words of wisdom and our ways of life and live them.  We want to instill our views of the world to everyone.